Benefits of Getting a Home Furnace Tune-Up this Fall

Benefits of Getting a Home Furnace Tune-Up this Fall

Sam Leslie

Owner | Mesa Plumbing, Heating and Cooling

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One of the many responsibilities you have as a homeowner is ensuring that everything is in functioning order. However, all that is only possible when the proper precautionary steps are taken. Unfortunately, many important household items go without a tune-up, especially if they are not used year-round. A prime example of that includes the home’s furnace. Unfortunately, when it comes to this item, by the time issues are noticed, it’s simply too late or expensive to fix them. Thus the following includes a few of the benefits that come from getting a home furnace tune-up during the fall months of the year.

Avoid Potentially Costly Repairs

One of the most important benefits of a furnace tune up, especially for those homeowners already on a tight budget, is being able to avoid costly repairs. Because of the complexity of fixing a furnace, some repair service companies may charge up to $1,200. This, of course, is not ideal during the winter months as homeowners are already finding themselves paying more per month for other utilities. With that said, make sure you schedule a furnace tune up so small issues can be discovered early on and taken care of before they become much worse.

Reduce Operating Expenses

There’s no doubt about it; a furnace uses a lot of energy and thus the reason why it is a large percentage of your monthly utility expenses. However, that cost may be a lot more (up to 30%) if you decide not to get a furnace tune-up during the fall. For example, a simple filter change can do wonders for your budget as your furnace now doesn’t have to work as hard to provide you with heat. This is just one example of how a tune-up can reduce your monthly costs, but there are so many more that only a professional may be able to properly observe and fix.

Prevent Catastrophes From Long-Term Neglect

At some point, furnace system failure is inevitable. However, the manner in which it fails is both unpredictable in nature and manner and severity of consequence, financial and otherwise. YES, fatalities due to a faulty furnace system have been reported in the past. This is largely due to the introduction of carbon monoxide into the home, which is both invisible and odorless. Oftentimes by the time people notice the dizziness that comes from it, it’s unfortunately too late. A furnace tune-up can help to dramatically reduce that from occurring within your own home and thus provide you with the peace of mind that your family is going to be safe at night.

Maintain Your Manufacturer’s Warranty

If you ever need to use your manufacturer’s warranty, one of the first things they are going to ask you is for a record of your past tune-ups. This is because they want to know that you have taken steps to maintain the furnace. Unfortunately, if you have little to nothing show, they may ultimately come to the decision that the reason your furnace is not working is because of you and not their components. This, of course, can end up costing you thousands in repairs and replacement.

In sum, there are key several benefits to getting a home furnace tune up during the fall. Everything from protecting your manufacturer’s warranty to reducing your monthly energy costs can be achieved from a simple furnace tune-up. So, what are you waiting for? Contact your local furnace maintenance and repair professionals to schedule a tune-up and/or to enroll in an ongoing HVAC maintenance program before the next harsh winter storm forces your hand!