Benefits of Getting an Air Conditioning Tune Up Before Summer

Benefits of Getting an Air Conditioning Tune Up Before Summer

Sam Leslie

Owner | Mesa Plumbing, Heating and Cooling

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When was the last time you gave your home’s air conditioner a second thought? Most homeowners overlook their air conditioners until there’s an issue. Regrettably, by the time there is an issue, you will be in a hot home and could be facing some costly repair work. Your air conditioning unit, like your vehicle, will benefit immensely from routine maintenance.

Let us look at five advantages of regular air conditioner maintenance.

Increased Efficiency

When you notice increased power bills, this might be due to skipping air conditioning tune-up. Your AC will lose its efficiency without regular maintenance because air leaks occur and dirt and other contaminants accumulate in your system. However, an air conditioning tune-up from an HVAC expert can restore your unit’s efficiency.

When cooling your house, your main objective should be to keep your air conditioner efficient. During summer, your air conditioner will do a lot of work. If it isn’t properly maintained, it would have to work harder than it is supposed to. This implies that your unit will begin to malfunction, and the cooling costs, as well as the constant temperature in your house, will begin to climb.

Save Money

When it comes to regular air conditioner maintenance, it is very normal to associate with spending additional money. However, it is the opposite. By scheduling routine maintenance on your air conditioning unit, you can save money both immediately and in the long term. A well-maintained A/C unit can cost you much less in energy costs each month.

Consistent Cooling

It’s always irritating during summer when your home is cool one moment and heating up the next. Or if one room is like an icebox, but another room is like a sauna. Uneven cooling is one of the unpleasant side effects of a poorly maintained AC. When functioning well, your air conditioner should be able to reliably maintain the ideal temperature in all of the rooms in your house. AC maintenance will keep your home cool all summer.

Extended Lifespan

Many air conditioning units last from 15-20 years, depending on the model and make, how often they are used, and, most notably, how well they are maintained. Yearly tune-ups not only increase the energy efficiency of the machine and aid in the prevention of breakdowns. They will also help the AC in the long run by extending its lifespan.

A unit that has collected grime and dust over the years has to work harder, resulting in additional tear and wear on the unit. Furthermore, failure to replace failing components places the whole air conditioner at risk of getting damaged. An AC tune-up will not make your unit last indefinitely, but it will improve its chances of lasting longer.

Maintaining the Warranty

Most air conditioning manufacturers need a qualified technician to inspect the unit once a year as part of their warranty policy. Otherwise, the warranty is deemed invalid, and you will no longer be able to take advantage of the incentive if the air conditioner breaks down in the future.

Improved Indoor Air Quality

Over time, dirt, dust, and contaminants will clog your unit’s filter. Without regular AC servicing, your system can inevitably send these pollutants into the air in your home through the ductwork. That is dust and contaminants that you must breathe in.

If you are sensitive to dirt or have allergies, an Air conditioner tune-up can help reduce the number of contaminants entering your house, making you breathe easier.

Your air conditioning system keeps you comfortable at home, but it needs regular maintenance like your vehicle. Call an HVAC expert today and experience the above benefits of AC tune-up.